"Corées, Enfin la paix ?"
A Look at Comfort Women
This review of Le Monde diplomatique, coordinated by Martine Bulard, traces the history of the two
Koreas from the pre-war period to the present day. There are various articles on different themes
related to these two countries
The extract that I would like to highlight here is an article on "comfort women". It is a subject that is
still too much buried and that deserves to be evoked.
A Japanese massacre
During the years 1930-1940, the Japanese invasions took place. Through China, Korea, Vietnam, India, and even in more western lands, the Japanese imperial army rushed in. During this period, many women throughout these countries were victims of a system of sexual slavery. Often underaged, they were tricked by false job offers or were directly abducted from their homes. They were then placed at the disposal of soldiers in brothels. According to the sources of the time, these girls numbered between 200,000 and 400,000 and came mainly from the two Koreas.
And now ?
Today, Japan, with its many denialists, still refuses to fully acknowledge its acts and war crimes. A socalled, "final and irreversible" agreement was signed between Seoul and Tokyo on December 28, 2015. In it, Japan offers its "sincere apology" and provides for a payment of 1 billion yen in compensation.
To this day, the 46 survivors of this sexual massacre still reject this agreement. Indeed, they demand more than an "apology". Their opinion has already been rejected more than once by President Moon Jae-In, but these women continue to stand strong.
Every Wednesday at midday, in Seoul, survivors demonstrate in front of the Japanese embassy to get their way. You may think more than once about your life and its meaning now that you know the story of these women. Feel free to send them a positive thought on your future Wednesday lunches!